Philatelic Literature Specialists

Hällström, Jonas (editor)

Fakes Forgeries Experts No. 18

Publisher: Postiljonen A/S, Copenhagen, 2015

Large format paperback, illustrated, 188 pages, text in English, in Very Good condition.

The eighteenth issue of this excellent periodical containing colour-illustrated articles on forgeries by world experts. Contents of this issue include The World’s Most Forensically Tested Philatelic Gem: “The Iconic Victor Hugo Plate 77 Cover”; Forged Stamps, Overprints, Perforations & Cancellations from Former Netherlands Territory Surinam; Anatomy of a Balloon; and an interesting article by Wolfgang Maassen on reprints and pirate editions of classic philatelic literature: Forgeries and Falsifications of Philatelic Literature – A First Look Back; etc, etc.


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