Philatelic Literature Specialists

Barefoot, John

Latvia Map Stamps

Publisher: J. Barefoot Ltd., York, 1983

Paperback, 36 pages, illustrated, in Very Good condition.

A detailed look at the fascinating first issue of Latvia. Known as “map stamps”, the first stamps of Latvia were printed on the blank side of 1914-17 German General Staff War Maps. The author deals in detail with the plate varieties, and with the hundreds of different maps which were used. Well illustrated. Contents: History of Latvia; History of the Stamps; Latvia No. 1 – the Stamp Side; Proofs; The Issued Stamp; Varieties; Plating; The Maps (Back of the Stamps) – Map Types; Listing of Map Numbers; Marginal Inscriptions; Cancels and Covers; Reprints; Forgeries.


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