Second (revised) edition, hardback, dustwrapper, 267 pages, in Fine condition.
A much enlarged and revised version of the first edition, which was a paperback, privately produced by the author in 1964.
The postal history of the Yukon is inextricably linked with the Klondike Gold Rush. In the first section of the book, the author details the history, postal and otherwise, of the few visitors to the Yukon, such as fur traders and missionaries, before the discovery of gold in 1896. The next section deals with the Klondike Gold Rush period itself, including the Private Expresses, construction of the White Pass Railway, and the attempts to create new routes in and out of the Territory. There follows a section on the 20th century, including the development of the Air Mail Services. And finally, there is a well illustrated catalogue of the postmarks and listing of Post Offices. Well illustrated throughout with maps, postcards and covers from the author’s collection. This is a wonderful book for collectors of Canadian Postal History and for anyone interested in the history of the Klondike Gold Rush.
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